This rounded-edge book is part of children's picture book collection illustrated by world-class illustrator and caricaturist William Wallace "W. W." Denslow, remembered for his work in collaboration with author L. Frank Baum, especially his illustrations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
While much of his additional work as an artist and illustrator wasn't recognized until the late twentieth century, he eventually garnered praise for his clever and often cynical designs, his striking, multicolored posters, his ability to target his illustrations by audience, and for amending popular children's verse to avoid what he considered unnecessary violence and questionable content.
This familiar nursery tale features a warmly appealing bear family and a naughty, gap-toothed Goldilocks.
Now your family can enjoy this wonderful book in simplified Chinese. The high-quality print is nicely produced to capture the vivid color and exceptional detail of the original artwork.
威廉• 华莱士• 丹斯诺(William Wallace Denslow 1856-1916),美国著名插画家、漫画家,被誉为“美国图画书之父”。他以大胆而具有色彩的插图风格而闻名,为很多图书配过插图,其中最有名的是弗兰克•鲍姆的《绿野仙踪》。他的插画作品色彩鲜艳,构图夸张有趣,深得儿童喜爱。
这本书讲述了一个叫金发的小女孩,找寻森林里快乐熊一家三口居住的地方。她不仅找到了,还帮快乐熊一家收拾起了乱糟糟的屋子。三只熊能友好地对待金发吗?事实上,他们一起吃晚饭,还做起了游戏。金发还把三只熊带回家,跟村里所有的小伙伴都成为了好朋友。书中,人与动物和谐相处的理念穿越时空,永恒不变,这是一个不在乎时间的主题。孩子们能从中体会到与动物和平相处的快乐就足够了。 。