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Clovis the Tiger Series in Chinese (3 Books)


Clovis the Tiger includes three books by Thomas Taylor: The Biggest Splash, The Noisiest Night and The Loudest Roar.

The Biggest Splash: Clovis spots a fellow tiger trapped in the water in a nearby pool. This is a disaster - tigers hate water. Everyone knows they NEVER go in it. How will Clovis be able to help? And will he ever discover the real identity of the underwater tiger? A funny story about reflections, overcoming your fears, and learning to swim.

The Noisiest Night: The sun is setting, it's time for bed...but Clovis isn't at all sleepy! He has decided to be a night-tiger. He just needs someone to play with. Then, he sees something flickering in the fading light...fireflies! Clovis plays 'I-spy' with the fireflies all night long and his boisterous, noisy participation in their game disturbs the slumbers of his rainforest friends. Then, when the new day starts, can you guess who's the tiredest tiger in the whole jungle?

The Loudest Roar: The jungle is usually a peaceful place but not when Clovis, a small tiger, is around. He loves to sneak up on the animals and startle them with the "roaringest" roar in the world. One day, while he is sipping at a stream, the animals turn the tables and join in a cacophonous clamor that jolts him right up a tree. A truce is declared and the jungle settles down in peace again-well, "most of the time." The lively rhythmic text, which takes full advantage of alliteration and repetition, makes this book a storyteller's delight.

Children will relish joining in with the tiger's roar and the refrain, "Suddenly-there was Clovis!" as the page is turned from a scene of peaceful somnolence to one of chaos. Taylor's full-color, cartoon illustrations can be overly busy-they are most successful when the artist uses double-page spreads and particularly excellent in capturing the moment of flurried surprise that results from the roar. This title is appropriate both for group sharing and one-on-one reading. Clovis's enthusiasm for the surprise will strike a chord with youngsters, and the lesson about "doing unto others-" will resonate with both adults and children who share this tale.



《淘小虎 最勇敢的小老虎》内容简介:小老虎克洛斯在水边玩耍,看见自己在水中的倒影,以为同伴落水了,他很担心,因为他觉得老虎不能游泳。于是他想尽办法还是不能把同伴救上岸。最后,在朋友的帮助鼓励下,小老虎鼓足勇气,勇敢地跳入水中,发现水中的老虎是自己的倒影,小老虎为此也学会了游泳。

《淘小虎 最吵闹的夜晚》内容简介:小老虎克洛斯晚上不睡觉,跟萤火虫玩游戏,萤火虫多次劝他去休息,他就是不肯。天亮了,别的动物们都在玩耍而小老虎却困得不行,但是他却怎么也睡不着了。

《淘小虎 最响亮的吼声》内容简介:小老虎克洛斯是全世界最勇敢、最能吼叫的小老虎,他认为自己的吼叫很响亮,所以他总是在丛林中到处乱叫,还吓唬其它的动物。其他小动物们都觉得要给小老虎一些警告,所以联合起来发出了最响亮的吼声,从此小老虎克洛斯变得乖多了。?

作者:(英国)托马斯•泰勒 译者:刘冠翔

托马斯•泰勒是英国著名的童书作家和插图家,他曾经为首版《哈利波特与魔法石》做过封面设计。目前已经出版了《乔治和索菲博物馆大冒险》(George and Sophie's Museum Adventure(1999))、《巧克力饼干树》(The Chocolate Biscuit Tree(2001))、《杰克的拖拉机》(Jack's Tractor(2009))《小老鼠和大杯子蛋糕》(Little Mouse and the Big Cupcake(2010))《你得到的宠物》(The Pets You Get(2012)),还有两本儿童小说即将在2012年出版。

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