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APA Book Series: Tibby Tried It (Chinese Edition)


This work was originally published in the English under the title of Tibby Tried It as a publication of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Tibby is a young bird with a crooked wing who will never be able to fly. Some of the other birds make fun of Tibby, but undaunted he travels cheerfully around the forest, making friends with Rupert Rabbit, Sarafina Squirrel, and others who make their home there. They teach him how to climb, slither, hop, and more—and Tibby tries it all! In the end, Tibby uses his newfound ability to save the day and become a hero.

This inspiring story will show children that physical disabilities don't have to slow anyone down, and that trying is what matters most.

Now your child can enjoy this wonderful book in Chinese! The book comes with simplified Chinese characters.

About the Authors
Sharon and Ernie Useman live in Hammond, Louisiana. As a music therapist, Sharon's work with developmentally handicapped children inspired the theme for Tibby Tried It. The rest was provided through their grandchildren.

About the Illustrator
Cary Pillo grew up on a farm near the Cascade Mountains in Washington State. Surrounded by animals and birds, she began drawing them at an early age. Today she lives in Seattle with her husband and son, and like Tibby, she has a reputation for rescuing baby birds.





作者:莎伦·尤曼(Sharon Useman)和厄尼·尤曼(Ernie Useman)夫妇生活在美国路易斯安那州的哈蒙德市。莎伦是一名音乐治疗师,长期从事发育障碍儿童的治疗,并从中获得了《蒂比试一试》的创作灵感。此外,该书的创作完成还得益于他们的孙子孙女们。

绘者:卡里·派罗(Cary Pillo)成长与美国华盛顿州喀斯克特山脉(Cascade Mountains)附近的农场。在那里,各种动物和鸟陪伴着卡里,并成为她早年绘画作品中的重要主题。现在,卡里与丈夫、儿子一起居住在西雅图。就像书中的蒂比一样,她因救助小鸟而享有盛名。



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