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APA Book Series: The Magic Box When Parents Can't Be There to Tuck You in (Chinese Edition)


This work was originally published in the English under the title of The Magic Box When Parents Can't Be There to Tuck You in as a publication of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Casey's dad has to go away for a couple of days...AGAIN! Casey hates it when his father has to travel. But this time Dad leaves behind a special gift that will help Casey cope with the absence, and with future trips as well. This upbeat and charmingly illustrated book contains a wealth of tips for families in which a parent is often away from home.

A Note to Parents by Ann Rasmussen, PsyD, helps parents understand what their children are facing, reassures parents of the value of these separations, and suggests many practical techniques for helping the child before, during, and after an absence.

Now your child can enjoy this wonderful book in Chinese! The book comes with simplified Chinese characters.

About the Author
Marty Sederman came up with the idea of a "magic box" to help her children while their dad was away on frequent business trips—and it worked so well that she decided to write a book about it. A market research consultant, Ms. Sederman holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and a master's degree in clinical psychology. She lives in New Jersey with her family.

Seymour Epstein, PhD, is Marty Sederman's father. Dr. Epstein, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Massachusetts, has a doctoral degree in adult and child clinical psychology. He has published extensively in professional journals and is the author of several books, including Constructive Thinking: The Key to Emotional Intelligence.

About the Illustrator
Karen Stormer Brooks is the illustrator of several children's books, including Elana's Ears by Gloria Roth Lowell and Dylan, the Eagle-Hearted Chicken by David L. Harrison. Her illustrations have appeared in many children's publications, such as Highlights for Children, Spider, and Cricket magazines. She lives with her family in Atlanta, Georgia.





作者:马蒂•塞德曼(Marty Sederman),她的丈夫经常出差,于是她想到用“魔法盒子”的办法来帮助自己的孩子。事实证明这个办法的效果非常好,因此她决定把自己的经历写成一本书。她是一名市场调查顾问,拥有哈佛商学院工商管理硕士(M.B.A.)和临床心理学硕士学位。目前她和家人一起居住在美国新泽西州。

西摩•爱泼斯坦(Seymour Epstein)博士,是马蒂•塞德曼的父亲,是美国马萨诸塞州立大学心理学荣誉退休教授,拥有成人与儿童临床心理学博士学位。他在专业期刊上发表了大量论文,也出版了很多相关的图书,如《创造性思维:情商的关键》(Constructive Thinking:The Key to Emotional Intelligence)。

绘者:凯伦•史多默•布鲁克斯(Karen Stormer Brooks),为许多儿童图书画过插图,例如格洛丽亚•罗斯洛厄尔(Gloria Roth Lowell)《伊兰娜的耳朵》(Elana's Ears)、大卫•哈里森(David L.Harrison)的《勇敢的小鸡》(Dylan, the Eagle-Hearted Chicken)。她还为许多儿童出版物画插图,例如Highlights for Children,Spider, Cricket等杂志。目前,她和家人一起居住在美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市。



《儿童情绪管理与性格培养绘本(第8辑):戴眼镜的露娜》还包括了一篇由医学博士、眼科医生大卫·F·普洛斯基(David F. Plotsky)撰写的《写给父母的话》,为父母帮助孩子处理戴眼镜的问题提供了心理和医学上的实用信息。 也许您的孩子不需要戴眼镜,但他同样可能在生活中遇到自我认同感低的时候,这本书将教会父母如何引导孩子发现自我价值,从而产生满足感。

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