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APA Book Series: Jenny Is Scared! When Sad Things Happen in The World (Chinese Edition)


This work was originally published in the English under the title of Jenny Is Scared! When Sad Things Happen in The World as a publication of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Jenny and her brother Sam are scared! The TV has played news all morning, Jenny's piano lesson was canceled, and Mom and Dad forgot to make lunch. Jenny and Sam want to know what's going on and how not to be so scared, and Mom and Dad can help. With honest sensitivity, Jenny Is Scared! explores children's fears, and reactions surrounding terrorism, war, and other violent events.

A Note to Parents by author and psychologist Ann Rasmussen, PsyD, explains how young children respond to violence and tragedy, provides concrete suggestions for helping them feel more safe, and offers families ideas for making the world a better place.

Now your family can enjoy this book in Chinese! The book comes with simplified Chinese characters.

About the Author
Carol Shuman, PhD, is a clinical psychologist with a specialty in behavioral medicine. As a psychotherapist, she works with children, adolescents, and adults. She is also a university teacher, registered nurse, public speaker, and newspaper columnist. She lives in Bermuda. Jenny is Scared! is her first book for children.

About the Illustrator
Cary Pillo grew up on a farm near the Cascade Mountains in Washington State. Surrounded by animals, she began drawing at an early age. Cary received her fine arts degree for Washington State University and has been an illustrator for some fifteen years. She is the illustrator of several children's books, including A Terrible Thing Happened and Tibby Tried It, and her colorful characters appear in many children's magazines as well. She lives in Seattle with her husband and son, and their dog Rocket.





作者:卡罗尔•舒曼(Carol Shuman),是一名行为医学专业的临床心理学家。作为一名心理治疗师,她为儿童、青少年和成人提供心理咨询服务。同时,她也是一名大学老师、注册护士、演说家和报纸专栏作家。她生活在百慕大。《珍妮好害怕》是她写的第一本童书。

插图者:卡里•派罗(Cary Pillo),是在华盛顿州喀斯克特山脉附近的农场长大的,她早年开始从事绘画,曾为多本童书绘制插图,包括《可怕的事情发生了》(A Terrible Thing Happened)和《蒂比试一试》(Tibby Tried It),她笔下鲜活的人物同时还出现在多本儿童杂志上。她与丈夫、儿子还有他们的狗“火箭”生活在美国西雅图。



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