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Easy-Read 8 Chinese Audiobooks: World Classic Fairy Tales 2


These eight Easy-Read Chinese audiobooks are specially made to be compatible with Easy-Read Pen, a pen-shaped book reader onto which audio from specific books can be downloaded.

When Easy-Read Pen scans across book pages, either images or texts, the corresponding Chinese words, phrases, paragraphs, or dialogues are read out loudly in clear mandarin, a new technique of Point and Read. Please see E-reading pen: an interactive tool to learn Chinese for more details.

This package includes eight timeless western and eastern fairy tales: The Unly Duckling, The Hare and the Tortoise, Thumbelina, The Story of the Three Little Pigs, Rapunzel, The Beauty and the Beast, The Crane Girl and The Little Memermaid.

You can upload the audio files of these books into your Easy-Read Pen. These audio files are available from a CD that comes with the books. Or you can download them from here.

Here is a demo video for World Classic Fairy Tales. Please enable your computer audio and increase the speaker volume so that you can hear the sound track.

Demo Video for World Classic Fairy Tales (8 Easy-Read Chinese Audiobooks)

My two-year-old daughter is using the Easy-Read pen to learn Chinese words and phrases by herself. For more information, please visit The resources my twins are using to acquire Chinese.

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  • Model: WorldClassicsPackage

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