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Dream of the Red Chamber (Honglou Meng, 2CDs)


Dream of the Red Chamber also know as The Story of the Stone (simplified Chinese: 石头记), composed by Cao Xueqin, is one of China's Four Great Classical Novels. It was written sometime in the middle of the 18th century during the Qing Dynasty. It is considered a masterpiece of Chinese literature and is generally acknowledged to be the pinnacle of Chinese fiction. "Redology" is the field of study devoted exclusively to this work.

The title has also been translated as Red Chamber Dream and A Dream of Red Mansions. The novel circulated in manuscript copies with various titles until its print publication, in 1791. While the first 80 chapters were written by Cao Xueqin, Gao E, who prepared the first and second printed editions with his partner Cheng Weiyuan in 1791-2, added 40 additional chapters to complete the novel.

Red Chamber is believed to be semi-autobiographical, mirroring the rise and decay of author Cao Xueqin's own family and, by extension, of the Qing Dynasty. As the author details in the first chapter, it is intended to be a memorial to the women he knew in his youth: friends, relatives and servants. The novel is remarkable not only for its huge cast of characters and psychological scope, but also for its precise and detailed observation of the life and social structures typical of 18th-century Chinese aristocracy.

This book is a junior edition of Dream of the Red Chamber or The Story of the Stone. It use simpler and more interesting language to tell the stories. Accomplished with beautiful illustrations, this book makes reading Chinese classical literature with more fun.




01 第一回 无材补天枉入红尘 贾府公子新生衔玉
02 第二回 似曾相识宝黛初会 强取豪夺薛家入京
03 第三回 大观园试才题对额 荣国府归省庆元宵
04 第四回 西厢记妙词通戏语 牡丹亭艳曲警芳心
05 第五回 感身世潇湘洒清泪 埋香冢飞燕泣残红
06 第六回 互诉肺腑宝玉心迷 倾吐心声黛玉情痴
07 第七回 手足耽耽小动唇舌 不肖种种大承笞挞
08 第八回 送旧帕贾宝玉传情 结诗社林潇湘夺魁
01 第九回 刘姥姥二进荣国府 史太君两宴大观园
02 第十回 慧紫鹃巧语为试探 呆宝玉痴傻因情切
03 第十一回 王夫人抄检大观园 俏丫鬟抱屈夭风流
04 第十二回 瞒消息凤姐设奇谋 焚书稿颦儿断痴情
05 第十三回 林黛玉魂归离恨天 薛宝钗出闺成大礼
06 第十四回 气数将尽贾府败落 病入膏盲凤姐托孤
07 第十五回 贾宝玉出家了尘缘 曹雪芹归结红楼梦

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