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Chinese Idiom Stories (3 CDs)


This set includes three CDs on Chinese idiom stories. Each CD features an excellent selection of 22 the most popular Chinese idiom stories on history of humanity, fables and legends, nature and geography, dynasty suppression in history, which have significant and far-reaching impacts on Chinese cultural continuity.

Chinese idioms, often referred as Chengyu, are a type of traditional Chinese idiomatic expressions, most of which consist of four characters. They were widely used in classical Chinese and are still common in vernacular Chinese writing and spoken Chinese today.

Each Chinese idiom, or Chengyu, is a short phrase, usually with a Chinese story with significant and interesting meaning. A Chinese idiom story will not only tell you the meaning of a phrase, but also help you learn more about ancient Chinese culture.

The CDs can be played at home, in the car, or by a portable CD player, making them a wonderful tool to learn Chinese language and Chinese culture.

《小故事大道理-成语篇》在中华民族几千年灿烂的文化宝库中,成语是极富魅力的组成部分之一。它集丰富的历史知识、民族风情、生活哲理与浓郁的文化色彩于 一体,使其代代相传。本节目将其中的经典成语用故事的形式演绎出来,让孩子在不知不觉中既吸收了中国的传统文化,又大大地丰富了他们的词汇量,提高口才能 力,真正实现让孩子寓教于乐的目的。本专辑是孩子们早期启蒙的必备教材。


This set of 3 CDs includes:

CD 1
01 马革裹尸
02 人浮于事
03 得其所哉
04 目无全牛
05 斧正
06 什袭而藏
07 对牛弹琴
08 一鸣惊人
09 洗耳恭听
10 竭泽而逸
11 顾曲周郎
12 杀鸡焉用牛刀
13 卧薪尝胆
14 洛阳纸贵
15 一字之师
16 兵不血刃
17 家徒四壁
18 尾大不掉
19 一鼓作气
20 一枕黄粱
21 伯乐识马
22 病入膏肓
23 差强人意
CD 2
01 藏仓小人
02 债台高筑
03 不自量力
04 守株待兔
05 杀鸡吓猴
06 掳虎须
07 千里送鹅毛
08 襄萤映血
09 匹夫之勇
10 千变万化
11 机不可失
12 蓬莱仙境
13 一举两得
14 华而不实
15 死灰复燃
16 口蜜腹剑
17 唇亡齿寒
18 腹稿
19 不学无术
20 好逸恶劳
21 水深火热
22 井底之蛙
23 吠形吠声
24 天衣无缝
CD 3
01 推敲
02 指鹿为马
03 骑鹤上扬州
04 脍炙人口
05 如坐针毡
06 鹤立鸡群
07 各自为政
08 三思而行
09 管中窥豹
10 洞见症结
11 皮牡蛎黄
12 千虑一得
13 嗟来之食
14 杯弓蛇影
15 刻舟求剑
16 疾风之劲草
17 一身是胆
18 名落孙山
19 一叶障目不见泰山
20 狼狈为奸
21 钱可通神
22 入木三分
23 身在曹营心在汉
24 路不拾遗

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