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Chinese Children's Songs (3 CDs)


Singing songs is a good way to practice and learn new Mandarin Chinese vocabulary. There are many children's songs which are ideal for expanding your vocabulary. They have the advantage of being simple and repetitive, so they are an excellent way to memorize new words and phrases.

This set of 3 CDs of Chinese Children's Songs features an excellent selection of 75 popular Chinese children's songs perfect for babies and young children. Your child will love these popular Chinese childlren's songs performed by both a children's choir and individual soloists, and soon they will sing along and dance along with them!

These CDs can be played at home, in the car, or by a portable CD player, making them a wonderful tool to learn Chinese language and culture.




CD 1
01 小板凳
02 骑大马
03 卖报歌
04 拉勾勾
05 手指谣
06 布娃娃
07 穿裤歌
08 吃饭歌
09 打虎歌
10 颜色歌
11 打电话
12 春天到
13 找朋友
14 小花猫
15 小龙人
16 小螺号
17 小毛驴
18 小男孩
19 小星星
20 小牙刷
21 雪绒花
22 种太阳
23 猪小弟
24 做游戏
25 小燕子

CD 2
01 小木床
02 拉大锯
03 红绿灯
04 虫虫飞
05 排排坐
06 大苹果
07 丢手娟
08 多快乐
09 耳朵
10 怎么笑
11 下雨了
12 兔跳歌
13 喔喔喔
14 看花灯
15 蜗牛与黄鹂鸟
16 七子之歌
17 我爱北京天安门
18 小嘴巴
19 瑶鼓谣
20 音符歌
21 找爸爸
22 我家住在北京城
23 小松树
24 荷花红
25 我们生活多幸福

CD 3

01 小老鼠
02 小飞船
03 小青蛙
04 小白兔
05 吃青菜
06 公鸡
07 瓜儿谣
08 好孩子要诚实
09 好妈妈
10 看我摸
11 种南瓜
12 小白船
13 小草说
14 小红帽
15 雨了
16 不倒翁
17 一二三
18 小蝌蚪
18 清洁歌
20 加油干
21 两只羊
22 办家家
23 静悄悄
24 月亮船
25 摇篮曲

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