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Chinese Folktale: Malan Flower


Malan Flower is a Chinese children's classic created half a century ago and it has influenced three generations and has spread around the world. Malan Flower accompanies the growth of numerous children, and is memorized by many Chinese as a childhood treasure.

Malan Flower is a typical Chinese folk tale. The malan flower spirit Malang rescued a old man surnamed Wang who fell over the cliff. Wang married Malang his kind innocent daughter Xiao Lan. Malang had a magic malan flower, which could materialize people's wishes.

The greedy old cat had coveted the flower for a long time. He persuaded Xiao Lan's vain sister Da Lan to disguise as Xiao Lan to get the flower. After a long struggle, this trick was seen through by Malang. The wicked was punished and the kind was endowed with happiness.

The story of Malan Flower represent the moral standards and the basics of good vs. evil. "Malan Flower" defends the endless discussed issue good vs. evil. The evil may win temporarily but the good always win at last. There's a Chinese saying: "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil." This is a natural law and is the spirit of the classical stories. This battle of good vs. evil happens around the magical Malan flower. The story is simple and easy to understand and this is why children love the story for generations.

The book comes with Chinese characters and the Pinyin (phonetic transcriptions), making it an excellent means of learning elementary Chinese. The book ends with some games, which helps parents engage their children in a discussion about the story.

在美丽的马兰山,生活着一千五百岁的树公公和一群可爱的小动物。 他们最喜欢的人是马兰花的花神马郎。那天正好是马兰花开的日子,山下的王老爹来到山上拾柴禾,为了给女儿摘一朵最好看的马兰花,不幸坠下山崖,马郎勇敢地救起了王老爹。王老爹十分感激马郎,非常喜欢这个年轻人。

这时,山下传来小兰动人的歌声,马郎与之对唱。王老爹说,那是我的女儿小兰。我有两个闺女,她们长得一模一样。马郎送给王老爹一朵神奇的马兰花,说,问问您的女儿,谁愿意嫁给我,就把这朵花送给她。贪心的老猫对这朵神奇的马兰花垂涎欲滴,总想将其占为已有。到了家里,王老爹叙述了自己的经历。大兰立即夺过了马兰花,表示愿意嫁给马郎。但是,她又听爹爹说马郎没有房产和财产,靠勤劳过日子, 就立刻丢弃了马兰花,小兰拾起了马兰花,愿意与马郎共同生活。在圆月当空的夜晚,马郎在大家的陪同下,高擎着一盏盏荷花灯,驾着木船前来迎接新娘小兰。婚礼简朴又热烈,大家十分快活。从此,小兰与马郎过上了恩爱的甜蜜生活。



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