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Chinese DVD: Qiaohu Classic Collection II (Age 0-2, 4 DVDs)


This set of Qiaohu Classic Collection is designed especially for young children of age 0-2. It focuses on guiding babies to interact with their family members and explore their external world, cultivating children to develop good habits of awareness, and helping them accelerate the development of their brain via playing. This series of Chinese-language DVD shows are anchored by live hosts and a lovely cartoon character Qiaohu ("Qiaohu") in costume.

Although its major theme is to teach children morals, Qiaohu series is a wonderful tool to teach children the Chinese language. In the show, Qiaohu leads kids to naturally listen and speak Chinese (and a little bit English) via songs and dances, short and lovely stories, activities in their daily lives, repeated practice in diverse contexts, and interactive games.

In an addition, Qiaohu series pays great attention to music cultivation, which not only lays a good foundation for music training in the future but also helps tremendously with children’s physical and mental developments. The show encourages children to follow Qiaohu to move their body parts, sing, and dance by music and rhythms, and learn to control their muscle and attention. Please see Qiaohu teaches children to love to learn for more details.

This set of Qiaohu Classic Collection is surely one of the best learning materials to help your children’s comprehensive development in all areas!

Please note: This DVD set is region-free and is supposed to work with most DVD players in the world. But there are some very rare possibilities that your DVD player (some Japanese-brand DVD players) are not compatible with the DVDs.

It is your own responsibility to figure out whether your DVD player is compatible with these DVDs or not. No return and no refund for opened DVDs.





This set of 4 DVDs includes:

01 唱游 小羊咩咩咩
02 动物乐园 小绵羊
03 生活习惯 做好准备睡觉喽
04 小手哆来咪 伊比呀呀
05 故事小屋 森林里的饼屋
06 亲子玩具 好宝宝习惯组
07 成长小故事 宝贝晚安
08 小小世界 白天 晚上
09 重点词汇
10 巧虎日记
11 唱游 叮叮当
12 生活习惯 自己吃饭真开心
13 动物乐园 长颈鹿
14 小手哆来咪 饼干歌
15 成长小故事 小勺子
16 小小世界 逛超市喽
17 说说看 谢谢 谢谢
18 故事小屋 圣诞老公公来了
19 重点词汇
20 巧虎日记
21 预告

01 唱游 河马HIPPO
02 动物乐园 河马
03 生活习惯 妈妈帮我刷刷牙
04 成长小故事 牙齿亮晶晶
05 小小世界 车
06 小手哆唻咪 大家来刷牙
07 故事小屋 大手套
08 亲子玩具 大嘴刷牙狗
09 说说看 拜拜
10 重点词汇
11 巧虎日记
12 唱游 新年快乐
13 生活习惯 交个朋友吧
14 说说看 恭喜恭喜
15 动物乐园 大熊猫
16 成长小故事 有个朋友真好
17 小小世界 冬天来了
18 小手哆唻咪 幸福拍手歌
19 故事小屋 小火车旅行记
20 亲子玩具 欢乐火车组
21 重点词汇
22 巧虎日记

01 唱游 宝宝健康操
02 生活习惯 大家分着吃
03 动物乐园金鱼        
04 小小世界(一)梨 葡萄 猕猴桃
05 说说看 请进
06 成长小故事 你一半我一半
07 小小世界(二)想一想 是哪个
08 小手哆唻咪 线团咕噜咕噜
09 故事小屋 谁来了
10 亲子玩具 小厨师切切组
11 重点词汇
12 巧虎日记
13 唱游 花开了
14 生活习惯 生病了 我不怕
15 成长小故事 忙碌的河马医生
16 小小世界 春天
17 动物乐园 猴子
18 故事小屋 宝贝儿,别怕
19 小手哆唻咪 电话铃铃铃
20 亲子玩具 扮演游戏组
21 说说看 接电话
22 重点词汇
23 巧虎日记
24 预告
01 唱游 红黄蓝舞曲
02 生活习惯 一起来收拾
03 开动脑筋 红色 黄色 蓝色
04 动物乐园 乌龟
05 小小世界 巧虎生日快乐
06 故事小屋 气球变变变
07 生活习惯二 和巧虎一起收拾
08 说说看 好妈妈
09 成长小故事 小老鼠跌倒了
10 小手哆来咪 小小乌龟
11 亲子布书 拉萝卜布书
12 重点词汇
13 巧虎日记
14 开动脑筋 圆形,三角形,方形
15 生活习惯 对不起 没关系
16 动物乐园 青蛙
17 小小世界 工地上的车
18 唱游 顽皮熊
19 成长小故事 奇妙的对不起
20 小手哆来咪 拍拍小手
21 故事小屋 这是什么车
22 说说看 碰碰车
23 亲子玩具 形状颜色积木
24 重点语汇
25 巧虎日记
26 预告

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