Looney Tunes is a Warner Bros. series of theatrical cartoon shorts. It was produced from 1930 to 1969 during the Golden Age of American animation. The series featured some of the most famous cartoon characters in the history of animation, including Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and Tweety Bird among many others. The characters themselves are commonly referred to as the "Looney Tunes."
Since its first official release, Looney Tunes has become a worldwide media franchise, spawning several television series, films, comics, music albums, video games and amusement park rides. Many of the characters have made and continue to make cameo appearances in various other television shows, films and advertisements. Several Looney Tunes shorts are regarded as some of the greatest animated cartoons of all time. Many of the shorts were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.
Now your family can enjoy 15 fantastic Looney Tunes episodes in two languages (Mandarin Chinese and English) and with concealed subtitles in in Chinese and English. All the menu options are in English and Chinese.
Please note: this DVD is a region-6 DVD. It can be played by a region-free DVD player which is guaranteed to play any Region Blu-ray or DVD on any TV. You also can play this DVD on your PC if your computer is properly equipped.
内容简介 这是华纳兄弟公司的精华卡通片——《乐一通》系列首次收录的DVD版。提防着大猫的小鸟,想吃掉小鸟的大猫,这对搭档成为了银幕上的宠儿,它们在《崔弟派》中第一次合作就获得了奥斯卡金像奖(1947年最佳动画短片奖)。在《可恶的大猫咪》中,傻大猫和小鸟崔弟展开一场混战;《全部都向着那只鸟》的故事更是让你大笑不止。傻大猫、太菲鸭、猪小弟全体出场,许许多多的经典卡通故事,热闹非凡。不容错过!
目录01 可恶的大猫咪
02 全都向着那只鸟
03 小鸟和旅馆
04 快乐的崔弟
05 圣诞礼物
06 可怜的傻大猫
07 囚笼之鸟崔弟
08 风雪事件之崔弟和傻大猫
09 崔弟派
10 街头猫咪夺房之战
11 婴儿瓶颈
12 昔日荣耀
13 储钱猪惊天大劫案
14 煮熟的鸭子飞了
15 猪小弟漫游奇境