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Chinese Idiom Stories (1 Book + 1 CD + 1 Set of Flashcards)


Chinese idioms, often referred as Chengyu, are a type of traditional Chinese idiomatic expressions, most of which consist of four characters. They were widely used in classical Chinese and are still common in vernacular Chinese writing and spoken Chinese today.

Each Chinese idiom, or Chengyu, is a short phrase, usually with a Chinese story with significant and interesting meaning. A Chinese idiom story will not only tell you the meaning of a phrase, but also help you learn more about ancient Chinese culture.

This set of book and CDs features an excellent selection of 20 fun Chinese idiom stories perfect for young children of age 0-6 to learn Chinese language.

Children can enjoy reading the book and listening to the CDs at home, in the car, or via a portable CD player, making them a wonderful tool to learn Chinese language and Chinese culture.



01 井底之蛙
02 守株待兔
03 滥竽充数
04 买椟还珠
05 自相矛盾
06 抱薪救火
07 揠苗助长
08 愚公移山
09 掩耳盗铃
10 刻舟求剑
11 画蛇添足
12 亡羊补牢
13 狐假虎威
14 惊弓之鸟
15 东施效颦
16 鹬蚌相争
17 老马识途
18 南辕北辙
19 三人成虎
20 一毛不拔

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